Quick Term


Spring 2024 Quick Term

Classes begin on Monday, February 12.

Each class meets for 12 weeks. This is a great option for students who cannot commit to a 15-week term or motivated learners who prefer a fast-paced format.

Below you will find a series of links to key pages that will guide you towards enrollment.

Your first step: File an Admissions Application.

Apply Now

Should you be relying on financial aid, please visit https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa and begin the process.

Once you are a registered student, you will have full access to Navigate360 and Canvas. You will have access to email, grades, scheduling, communications with faculty and staff, notices and much more.

Need Help with Registration? Click Here

Should you have specific questions, we are here to assist you: admissionsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE

Click here for a list of Quick Term Courses