Sex Non-Discrimination and Title IX Policy


The purpose of this Sex Non-Discrimination and Title IX Policy is to ensure all students, employees, community members of Hudson County Community College (“College”), and members of the public an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities of the College.


The College and its Board of Trustees (“Board”) seek to foster a safe and healthy working and learning environment built on mutual respect and trust. At the foundation of the College’s mission is the recognition of the equal and inviolable dignity and worth of every person. Sex discrimination of any kind is a serious violation of these principles and will not be tolerated in any form, including any action that jeopardizes equal access to education programs or activities on the basis of sex, as may be outlined under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, with the accompanying federal regulations and guidance, the Clery Act, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and any relevant federal, state, county laws, and regulations that may be added or amended from time to time. Any member of the College community or the public, who encourages, aides, assists or participates in any act of Sex Discrimination against another, is in violation of the College’s disciplinary policies, VAWA, and Title IX. Violence that is not of a sexual nature is also incompatible with the College’s mission and a violation of College policies. Policies and procedures governing incidents of violence that are not of a sexual nature are covered separately.

The Board delegates to the President the responsibility to develop procedures and guidelines for the implementation of this policy. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will ensure compliance with this policy, including training.

Approved: November 2018; Amended November 2019; Amended September 2020; Amended October 2022; Amended February 2023; Amended June 2024
Approved by: Board of Trustees
Category: Sexual Harassment and Sex Discrimination
Responsible Office(s): Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Human Resources; Student Affairs
Scheduled for Review: June 2026

Sex Non-Discrimination and Title IX Procedures

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