Hudson County Community College Alumnus to Join Board of Trustees at November 26 Meeting

November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019, Jersey City, NJ – After earning an Associate in Science in Computer Science from Hudson County Community College (HCCC), Abderahim Salhi was accepted into Columbia University. Now, the Jersey City resident will return to HCCC, where his incredible academic journey began.

Mr. Salhi, who graduated Summa Cum Laude in May 2019, was selected by HCCC students to be the new Student Alumni Representative on the College’s Board of Trustees. He will be sworn in to serve a one-year term at the Board’s Reorganization meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, at 5 p.m.


Abderahim Salhi


The Algerian immigrant enrolled at HCCC in 2017 and quickly became an outstanding student and leader. He collaborated with fellow students, clubs and organizations to initiate workshops that covered scholarships, internships, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities. He served as Chapter President of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society and Sigma Kappa Delta, the English Honors Society; and Vice President of the College’s STEM and Model United Nation Clubs. He was also a fellow in the America Needs You and the Goldman Sachs Local College Collaborative programs.

Mr. Salhi is the recipient of multiple scholarships and awards: 2019 All USA-Academic Team; New Century Transfer Pathway Scholar for New Jersey; Pearson Scholarship; Phi Theta Kappa Hites Transfer Scholarship, the most prestigious scholarship awarded by PTK; Research and Development Council of New Jersey Merit Scholarship; and Garden State S-STEM Scholarship. 

As a community leader, Mr. Salhi volunteers with National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Jersey Cares, Cancer Society, and the gardening program at Liberty State Park. He was on the steering committee for the HCCC Food Pantry project.  His personal interests include cooking, scuba diving, photography, travel, robotics and drones.