Since its establishment, the Hudson County Community College Foundation has been privileged
to have the support of dedicated individuals from the Hudson County community who
very generously serve as the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Thanks to their efforts,
the Foundation thrives, and the College’s students, faculty and staff — as well as
all of our neighbors in the community — benefit.
Executive Committee:
Ronnie Sevilla, Chair
James Egan, Vice Chair
Mark Rodrick, Treasurer
Natalie Brathwaite, Secretary
Richard Mackiewicz, Jr., Officer at Large
Bakari Lee, Trustee Liaison
Dr. Christopher M. Reber, College President, Ex-Officio
* Philip Johnston, Past Chair (’10 - ’12)
Monica McCormack-Casey, Immediate Past Chair (’22 – ’24)
Joseph Napolitano, Sr., Past Chair (’20 – ’22)
Mandy Otero, Past Chair (’16 - ’18)
* Deceased.
Foundation Board Members:
Ruddys Andrade
John M. Burns, Jr.
Mauro Castano
Anthony Catanio
Jeanne Cretella
Richard Di Marchi
Antonio Ibarria, Sr.
Steve Lipski
Steven Mullen
Joseph Napolitano Jr.
Kevin O’Connor
Michelle E. Richardson
Tony Rico
No Gift Is Too Small...
Each year, there are several opportunities for individuals, businesses and organizations
to participate in Foundation fundraising activities. The Board of Directors plan and
hold four major annual fundraisers and there are also opportunities for donors to
contribute to special projects and events. Learn about the giving opportunities for
the HCCC Foundation.