To be financially literate is to know how to manage your money. This means learning how to pay your bills, how to borrow and save money responsibly, and how and why to invest and plan for retirement. Managing your money is a personal skill that benefits you throughout your life and not one that everybody learns. Managing your own money requires a fundamental understanding of personal credit and a willingness to embrace personal responsibility. To be financially literate means having the ability not to let money or the lack of it get in the way of your happiness as you work toward your goals.
This course will assist students in preparing for retirement by combining life and wealth goals. You’ll review how to finance some of your life goals, whether education, purchasing a home, traveling, or retirement. This course goes over using the S.M.A.R.T. financial concept and determines whether it is attainable or not, but then how can you make it attainable. Financial Basics for Personal Finances and Wealth Building course will also review the stock market, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investments. Also, the importance of credit for large purchases such as real estate and purchasing a car. Lastly, budgeting, cash flow, business, loans, and debt.
The course meets for one hour for two weeks, and then on the third week, each participant will have a one-on-one coaching session with the instructor to discuss your goals and see how you can become more financially stable.
Learning Outcomes:
Dr. Jairo Borja, DBA, is the President of Borja Consulting Group and Financial Services Professional with Primary Financial. He helps families and businesses build wealth, protect assets, and manage cash flow. Dr. Borja assists with investments, estate strategies, retirement, insurance, small business planning, and college funding. In addition, Dr. Borja assists small business owners with small business planning, strategy, and advice to small business owners.
Dr. Borja has spoken at several Fortune 500 companies, including New York Life and Mass Mutual. He has also spoken at First Calvary Baptist Church, Bloomfield College and, the University of Central Florida. Dr. Borja is also an International Best-Selling Author. His latest book, “Networking Your Way to Success: 10 Steps to Building Relationships and Expanding Your Business for Entrepreneurs and Working Professionals” focuses on networking strategies he learned over his 10 years of experience.
To learn more, please email amunizFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.
Office of Continuing Education
161 Newkirk Street, Room E504
Jersey City, NJ 07306
(201) 360-4224