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Hudson County Community College

Educates the Doers and Thinkers Who Will Transform Tomorrow

The HCCC School of Humanities and Social Sciences produces artists, educators, justice and social services professionals who enrich and improve our community. HCCC certificate and degree programs lead to entry-level career positions and/or baccalaureate and graduate degrees at four-year colleges and universities.
Explore in-demand career pathways available through the HCCC School of Humanities and Social Sciences!

HCCC Students


Criminal Justice 
  • Criminal Justice (A.S., on-site or fully online)
  • Criminal Justice – Homeland Security (A.S.)
  • Early Childhood Education (A.A.S.)
  • Early Childhood Education – Liberal Arts (A.A., on-site and fully online)
  • Infant/Toddler Education – Liberal Arts (A.A.)
  • Elementary/Secondary Education – Liberal Arts (A.A.,
    on-site and fully online)
  • Special Education – Liberal Arts (A.A., on-site and fully online)
  • History – Liberal Arts (A.A., on-site and fully online)
  • Human Services – Social Justice Advocacy (A.S.)
  • Human Services – Pre-Social Work – Addiction Counseling (A.S.)
Liberal and Visual Arts
  • English (A.A., on-site and fully online)
  • English – Communications Studies (A.A.)
  • Liberal Arts – General (A.A., on-site and fully online)
  • Studio Arts (A.F.A.)
  • Studio Arts – Computer Arts (A.F.A.)
  • Theatre Arts – Liberal Arts (A.A.)
Psychology (A.A., on-site and fully online)

Sociology (A.A.)
HCCC Arts Students


  • Addictions Counseling – Certified Alcohol/Drug Counselor (CADC)
  • Human Services – Social Justice Advocacy
  • Digital Art and Design
  • Infant and Toddler Child Development Associate (CDA)
  • Preschool Child Development Associate (CDA)
A woman with a child.
Learn all about HCCC's School of Humanities and Social Sciences programs at:

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