Name / Title | Program / Office / School | Phone | Building | Office | |
> | |||||
Sirhan Abdullah
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Health Services, Medical Assisting and Medical Billing/Coding |
Nursing and Health Professions | sabdullahFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5342 | Building F | 203 |
Leymi Abreu
Tft Administrative Assistant, Human Resources |
Human Resources | labreuFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4079 | Building A | N/A |
Antonio Acevedo
Associate Professor | Coordinator, History, Political Science and American Studies |
Humanities and Social Sciences | aacevedoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5350 | STEM | 505B |
Jose Acosta
Custodial Supervisor |
Facilities | jacostaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4727 | Student Center | 010 |
Gilma Acosta
Administrative Assistant |
Facilities | gacostaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4048 | Student Center | 09 |
Bernard Adamitey
Assistant Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics |
Eric Adamson
Assistant Professor, English |
English | eadamsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4748 | Building C/D | 112 |
Andy Adler
Assistant Director, Advisement Student Services Operations |
Advisement | aadlerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4178 | Building A | MOD #4 |
Suhani Aggarwal
Accounts Payable Officer |
Controller’s Office | saggarwalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4055 | Building X | 13 |
Tahrier Ahmad
Administrative Support Specialist (ESL) |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | tahmadFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4384 | Gabert Library | 320 |
Sheila Marie Aitouakrim
Associate Director of Financial Aid - North Hudson Campus |
Financial Aid | saitouakrimFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4209 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 105E |
Faisal Aljamal
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Cybersecurity |
Felicia Allen
Administrative Assistant |
Enrollment Services | fallenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4112 | Building A | n/a |
Marselly Almanzar
Academic Counselor |
Advisement | malmanzarFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4167 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 105F |
Cristhian Altamirano
Associate Director for Early College Programs |
Early College Program | caltamiranoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5331 | Building J | 106 |
Ivy Altamirano
Student Retention Specialist |
Nursing and Health Professions | ialtamiranoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4755 | F | 110 |
Maribel Alvarado-Bikai
Financial Aid Advisor |
Financial Aid | mbozogluFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4203 | Building A | 204 |
Joyce Alvarez
The Center for Business and Industry Coordinator |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | jsalvarezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | |||
Mark Amaker
Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | mamakerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4327 | Building X | 4 |
Robin Anderson
Associate Professor | Coordinator | Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Elementary/Secondary Education, Infant/Toddler and CDA |
Humanities and Social Sciences | randersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4295 | Gabert Library | 520 |
Dorothy Anderson
Assistant Professor, Social Sciences |
Humanities and Social Sciences | dandersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4684 | Gabert Library | 320 |
Larry Anderson
Admissions Recruiter |
Enrollment Services | landersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4609 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 1st Floor |
Analyne Aponte
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | lrivera6433FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Fiona Approo-Johnson
Executive Director, Enterprise Applications (Ellucian) |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | fjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4331 | Building A | 308 |
Karina Arango
Student Success Coach, Academic & Workforce Pathways Program |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | karangoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5463 | Culinary Conference Center | 506 |
Ilya Ashmyan
Executive Director of Engineering and Operations |
Facilities | iashmyanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4693 | Student Center | 09C |
Sandra Aviles
Administrative Assistant |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | savilesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4332 | Building A | 308 |
David Ayoub
Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | > | Building X | 4 | |
Dalisay Bacal
Administrative Assistant |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | dbacalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5327 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Alison Bach
Associate Professor, English | Chair of the General Education Committee | Coordinator, Film/Humanities/Music/Philosophy |
Academic Foundations | abachFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4738 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703J |
Daisy Baiza
Administrative Assistant |
Pamela Bandyopadhyay
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs |
Academic Affairs | pbandyopadhyayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4186 | Building A | 423 |
Jeanne Baptiste
Instructor, English |
Academic Foundations | jbaptisteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5352 | Building C/D | 112 |
Annie Barran
Instructor, Nursing |
Nursing and Health Professions | abarranFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4788 | Building F | 118 |
June Barriere
Administrative Assistant |
Student Affairs | jbarriereFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4602 | ||
Rimsha Bazaid
Career and Transfer Coach |
Transfer Pathways | rbazaidFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5478 | Building A | 302 |
Anita Belle
Assistant Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | abelleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5443 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Salim Bendaoud
Professor, Biology |
Gary Bensky
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | gbenskyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4632 | Culinary Conference Center | 304D |
Marian Betancourt
Student Success Coach, NJRC |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | mbetancourtFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5450 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Lisa Bogart
Director of NHC Library |
College Libraries | lbogartFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4724 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 303A |
Alexandra Bonano
Advancement Operations Manager |
Communications | abonanoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4778 | ||
Nancy Booth
Professor, English as a Second Language |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | nboothFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4606 | ||
Jonathan Bowman
Academic Counselor |
Advisement | jbowmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4159 | Building A | 221 |
Jessica Brito
Assistant Director, Communications |
Communications | jbritoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4062 | Building C/D | 224 |
Dan Brookes
Business Developer, Gateway to Innovation |
Gateway to Innovation | dbrookesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5442 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Natalie Brown
Internship Coordinator |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | nbrownFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5475 | Building E | 506 |
Kathryn Buckley
Assistant Professor, English | Assessment Coordinator (English and ESL) |
Academic Foundations | kbuckleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4165 | Building C/D | 208 |
Sabrina Bullock
Enrollment Support Assistant |
Registrar | sbullockFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4128 | Building A | n/a |
Gregory Burns
Manager, Safety and Security |
Safety and Security | gburnsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4082 | Student Center | M11 |
Lori M. Byrd
Director, Nursing Program (RN) |
Nursing and Health Professions | lbyrdFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4764 | ||
Michael Byrne
Strategic Marketing Director |
Advancement and Communications | mbyrneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4004 | ||
Jonathan Cabrera
Instructor, Criminal Justice |
Humanities and Social Sciences | jcabreraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4792 | ||
Ana Cabrera
Administrative Support Specialist |
Testing and Assessment | acabreraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4193 | ||
Ariana Calle
Associate Director of Hudson Helps |
Hudson Helps Resource Center | acalleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4188 | Building A | Third Floor |
Domonique Callens
Administrative Support Specialist |
Academic Affairs | dcallenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4013 | Building A | n/a |
Ronny Canales
Administrative Support Specialist |
Chrissto Canales
Academic Counselor |
Advisement | ccanalesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4604 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 105A |
Joseph Caniglia
Executive Director North Hudson Campus |
North Hudson Campus | jcanigliaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5346 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 702A |
Denisse Carrasco
Coordinator, Finance and Technology Programs |
Gateway to Innovation | dcarrascoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5468 | ||
Shannonine Caruana
Professor, English as a Second Language |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | scaruanaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5365 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703E |
Brianna Casagrande
Associate Director of Career and Transfer Pathways |
Transfer Pathways | bcasagrandeFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4225 | Building A | 302 |
Cheryl Cashell
Director of Radiography |
Nursing and Health Professions | ccashellFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4782 | Building F | 220 |
Cesar Castillo
Safety and Security Coordinator |
Safety and Security | cacastilloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4694 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 207 |
Jacqueline Castillo
Transcript Evaluator |
Registrar | jcastilloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4137 | Building A | 113 |
Samantha Ceballo
Academic Counselor |
Advisement | sceballoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4171 | Building A | MOD #3 |
Monika Chappilliquen
Assistant Professor, English |
Academic Foundations | mczekajFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5338 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703H |
Janet Chavez
Executive Administrative Assistant |
President's Office | jchavezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4003 | Building A | 406 |
Nicholas Chiaravalloti
Vice President for External Affairs and Strategic Initiatives, and Senior Counsel to the President |
External Affairs | nchiaravallotiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4009 | Building A | 409 |
Zuany Chicas Martinez
Payroll Officer |
Controller’s Office | zchicasFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4066 | Building X | 15 |
John Chisholm
Safety and Security Associate |
Safety and Security | jchisholmFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5375 | Student Center | Mezzanine |
Jennifer Christopher
Assistant Vice President of Communications |
Communications | jchristopherFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4061 | Building C/D | 225 |
Lisa Cieckiewicz
Coordinator, Admissions and Recruitment, Nursing |
Nursing and Health Professions | lcieckiewiczFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4765 | Building F | 117 |
Christopher Ciely
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Business and Finance/CFO |
Finance | ccielyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4059 | Building X | 9 |
Marta Cimillo
Administrative Support Specialist |
Center for Online Learning | mcimilloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4037 | Gabert Library | 612 |
David Clark
Dean of Student Affairs |
Student Affairs | dclarkFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4189 | Student Center | 216 |
Patricia Clay
Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | pclayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4351 | Building A | 315 |
Christopher Cody
Instructor, History | Chair, All College Council |
Humanities and Social Sciences | ccodyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4793 | ||
Heather Connors
Assistant Professor, English | Academic Foundations ENG/RDG 071 and 072 |
Academic Foundations | hconnorsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4373 | Building C/D | 112 |
Haide Contla
Program Assistant |
Secaucus Center | hcontlaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4388 | Secaucus Center | 118 |
Christopher Conzen
Executive Director, Secaucus Center and Early College Programs |
Student Affairs | cconzenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4030 | Building J | 106 |
Peter Cronrath
Associate Professor, Business | Coordinator, BCH Assessment |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | pcronrathFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5334 | Culinary Conference Center | 222E |
Inez Cruz
Instructor & Clinical Coordinator, Radiography |
Nursing and Health Professions | icruzFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4781 | ||
Salvador E. Cuellar
Assistant Professor, Psychology |
Humanities and Social Sciences | scuellarFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4734 | STEM | 306B |
Steve D'Agostino
Systems Consultant (Ellucian) |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | sdagostinoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4322 | Building A | 308 |
Maurice Dasent
Lead HVAC/Oiler Mechanic |
Facilities | mdasentFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4097 | Student Center | 004 |
Saba Daud
Lab Technician |
STEM | sdaudFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5357 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 509 |
Sharon A. Daughtry
Instructor, Business |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | sdaughtryFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4379 | Culinary Conference Center | 222A |
Karine Davis
Coordinator, Accessibility Services |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | kdavisFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4163 | ||
Shuang De Jesus
Academic Counselor |
Advisement | sdejesusFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4237 | Building A | 217 |
Jani Decena-White
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Speech |
Humanities and Social Sciences | jwhiteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4657 | ||
Patrick Del Piano
Safety and Security Coordinator |
Safety and Security | pdelpianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4091 | Student Center | M10 |
Michelle DeLaFleur
Interim Director of Patron Services |
College Libraries | mdelafleurFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4353 | Gabert Library | 212 |
Jacquelyn Delemos
Administrative Assistant, Accessibility Services |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | jdelemosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5397 | Gabert Library | Lower Level |
Claudia Delgado
Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics | Coordinator, Basic Mathematics |
Anthony Deschamps
Support Analyst, NHC |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | adeschampsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4314 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 309 |
Heather DeVries
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Assessment | Accreditation Liaison Officer |
Academic Affairs | hdevriesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4660 | Building A | 415 |
Moses Dindial
Accountant |
Controller’s Office | mdindialFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4052 | Building X | n/a |
Lisa Dougherty
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment |
Student Affairs | ldoughertyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4111 | Building A | 109 |
Lauren Drew
Assistant Professor, English as a Second Language | Coordinator, ESL Level III (Intermediate) |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | ldrewFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4743 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703K |
TaraLyn Dugan
Communications Coordinator |
Communications | tduganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4063 | Building C/D | 226 |
Aycha Edwards
Assistant Director, Institutional Research |
Institutional Research and Planning | aedwardsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5329 | ||
Sean Egan
Assistant Professor, English | Coordinator, English and Literature |
Academic Foundations | seganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4672 | Building C/D | 108 |
Glennis Ehi
Senior Accountant |
Controller’s Office | gehiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4046 | Building X | n/a |
Issam El-Achkar
Professor, Mathematics and Electronics Engineering Technology | Coordinator, College Algebra |
Kevin Eng
Systems Administrator |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | kengFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4318 | Building A | 308 |
Danitza Espinales
Financial Aid Advisor |
Financial Aid | despinalesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4202 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 1st Floor |
Andres Estrella Cifuentes
Senior Accountant |
Controller’s Office | aestrellaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4047 | Building X | n/a |
Kenny Fabara
Director, Academic Affairs |
Academic Affairs | kfabaraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4377 | Building J | 205 |
Chastity Farrell
Assistant Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | cfarrellFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4262 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Faiza Fayyaz
Science Laboratory Coordinator |
Michael Ferlise
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Sociology and Anthropology |
Humanities and Social Sciences | mferliseFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4675 | ||
Samuel Fernandez
Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | > | Building X | 4 | |
Estefany Ferreira
Accountants Receivable Clerk |
Student Accounts | eferreiraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4100 | Building A | 104 |
Lisbety Ferrer Martinez
Executive Administrative Assistant |
Student Affairs | lferrerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4160 | Building A | n/a |
Matthew Fessler
Dean of Enrollment |
Enrollment Services | mfesslerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4113 | Building A | 108 |
Jason Figueroa
Associate Director, NHC |
North Hudson Campus | jfigueroaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4624 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 105B |
Fidelis Foda-Kahouo
Assistant Professor, Mathematics | Coordinator, Bridges to the Baccalaureate (B2B) |
Kristofer Fontanez
Associate Director, Web and Portal Services |
Advancement and Communications | kfontanezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4340 | Building C/D | 232 |
Flordeliza Foster
Financial Aid Advisor |
Financial Aid | lfosterFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4211 | Building A | 208 |
Ines Franco
Financial Aid Advisor |
Financial Aid | ifrancoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4212 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 1st Floor |
Darlery Franco
Assistant Dean |
Testing and Assessment | dfrancoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4191 | ||
Griselda E. Frane
Lecturer, Nursing |
Nursing and Health Professions | gfraneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4759 | Building F | n/a |
Mariana Fuentes
Library Associate, Technology |
College Libraries | mfuentesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4368 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 303C |
Karen Galli
Assistant Professor |
English | kgalliFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5344 | Building J | 305 |
Joseph Gallo
Associate Professor, Theatre and Film |
Humanities and Social Sciences | jgalloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5366 | Building J | 105 |
Diana Galvez
Associate Director, NHC | Co-chair of PACDEI |
North Hudson Campus | dgalvezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4608 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | N702B |
Delfin Ganapin
Administrative Support Specialist |
Student Life and Leadership | dganapinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4199 | ||
Gauri Gangaram
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | ggangaram5082FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Kelly Garay
Senior Lab Assistant |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | kgarayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4319 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 309 |
Carmen Garcia
Student Accounts Coordinator |
Student Accounts | cgarciaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4102 | Building A | 104 |
Veronica Gerosimo
Assistant Dean |
Student Life and Leadership | vgerosimoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4198 | ||
Robert Gioia
Facilities Worker |
Facilities | rgioiaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-702-5791 | Student Center | 04 |
Serina Gonzalez
Student Experience Communications Specialist |
Enrollment Services | sgonzalezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4129 | Enrollment Services | Enrollment Services |
Evette Gonzalez
Administrative Support Specialist |
Academic Affairs | egonzalez2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4274 | A Building | |
Andrea Goodwin
Office Assistant |
Human Resources | agoodwinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4073 | ||
Keirsten Gordon
Coordinator, Center for Business & Industry |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | kgordonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4234 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Elena Gorokhova
Professor, English as a Second Language |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | egorokhovaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4609 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703E |
Evani Greene
Student Success Coach, Finance and Technology |
Gateway to Innovation | egreeneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | Culinary Conference Center | 506 | |
Yvon Groeneveldt
Senior Lab Technician |
STEM | ygroeneveldtFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4271 | STEM | 605B |
Linda Guastini
Senior Executive Assistant |
Academic Affairs | lguastiniFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4012 | Building A | 416 |
Hope Guirantes
Administrative Assistant |
Early College Program | hguirantesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4031 | Building J | 108 |
Yavuz Birol Guner
Instructor, Computer Science/Cybersecurity |
Tayyaba Hafeez
Instructional Technologist |
Center for Online Learning | thafeezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4041 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Omar Hamza
Student Services Assistant |
Enrollment Services | ohamzaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4115 | Building A | n/a |
Angela Hebert
Assistant Professor, English |
Academic Foundations | aherbertFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4662 | ||
Nadia Hedhli
Professor, Biology |
STEM | nhedhliFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4732 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703I |
Brianna Heim
Customer Service Manager, CE |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | bheimFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4246 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Jenny Henriquez
Associate Director, Honors Program |
Academic Affairs | jhenriquezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4143 | Building L | 013 |
Afrodita Hernandez
Student Success Coach, Healthcare |
Gateway to Innovation | ahernandez1188FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5469 | ||
Miryam Hernandez
Accountants Receivable Clerk |
Student Accounts | mhernandezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4735 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 105L |
John Hernandez
Dean of College Libraries |
College Libraries | jhernandezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4361 | Gabert Library | 107 |
Denzil Hinds
Senior Maintenance Mechanic |
Facilities | dhindsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4698 | Student Center | 09B |
Zakia Hmamou
Instructional Designer |
Center for Online Learning | zhmamouFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4035 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Liliam Hogan
Manager Purchasing Services |
Procurement and Purchasing | lhoganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4686 | Building X | 14 |
Gabriel Holder
Assessment Coordinator & Instructor, Medical Billing & Coding |
Nursing and Health Professions | gholderFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4287 | Building F | F203 |
Karen Hosick
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Personal Fitness/Exercise Science |
Nursing and Health Professions | khosickFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4251 | ||
Mohammad Imam
Assistant Professor, Computer Science |
Emanuele Infurna
Facilities Worker |
Facilities | einfurnaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-456-3024 | Student Center | 004 |
Rebekah Isaac
Human Resources Office Assistant |
Human Resources | risaacFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4077 | Building A | N/A |
Nydia James
Assistant Grants Officer |
Advancement | njamesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4025 | Building C/D | 216 |
Guerly Jean-Baptiste
Assistant Director |
Testing and Assessment | gjean-baptisteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4192 | ||
Shameka Jennings
Financial Aid Assistant |
Financial Aid | sjenningsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4208 | Building A | 212 |
Syeda Jesmin
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | sjesminFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4162 | ||
Paula Jnoville
Administrative Assistant |
Registrar | pjnovilleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4120 | Building A | n/a |
Velino Joasil
Professor, Biology |
Nicole Johnson
VP for Advancement & Communications and Executive Director, HCCC Foundations |
Advancement and Communications | nicolebjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4069 | ||
Mackenzie Johnson
Senior Assistant Director, Advisement |
Advisement | mjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4177 | Building A | MOD #6 |
Shaheedah Johnson
Hudson Scholars Academic Counselor |
Advisement | sjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4161 | Building A | N/A |
Kadira Johnson
Basic Needs Social Worker |
Hudson Helps Resource Center | knjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4188 | Building A | Third Floor |
Darryl Jones
Vice President for Academic Affairs |
Academic Affairs | djonesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4011 | Building A | 417 |
Patricia Jones-Lewis
Professor, English and Humanities |
Humanities and Social Sciences | pjones-lewisFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4375 | Gabert Library | 420 |
Machli Joseph
Assistant Director, Continuing Education and Workforce Development |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | mjosephFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5465 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Charles Juiliano III
Safety and Security Coordinator |
Safety and Security | cjuilianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4098 | Student Center | M01 |
Robert Kahn
Learning Management System Administrator |
Center for Online Learning | rkahnFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4034 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Elham Kamali
Administrative Support Specialist |
Academic Foundations | ekamaliFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4382 | Gabert Library | 320 |
Ara Karakashian
Dean, Business, Culinary Arts, and Hospitality Management |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | akarakashianFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4631 | Culinary Conference Center | 218B |
Sean Kerwick
Associate Director, Supply Chain and Logistics, Center for Workforce Innovation |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | skerwickFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4023 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Sami Khouzam
Professor, Culinary Arts |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | skhouzamFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4637 | Culinary Conference Center | 204B |
Denise Knapp
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Human Services Pre-Social Work and Addictions Counseling |
Humanities and Social Sciences | knappFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5351 | Gabert Library | 420 |
Matthew Kolbusz
Associate Director of English as a Second Language (ESL) & Academic Foundations English (AFE) |
Academic Affairs | mkolbuszFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | Building L | L320 | |
Malcolm Kornegay
Senior Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | mkornegayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4329 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 319 |
Evgeniya Kozlenko
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language | Coordinator, ESL Level IV (High Intermediate) |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | ekozlenkoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4620 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703E |
Kewal Krishan
Associate Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics | Coordinator, Basic Algebra |
Jo Ann Kulpeksa
Enrollment Support Assistant |
Enrollment Services | jkulpeksaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4127 | Building A | n/a |
Matthew LaBrake
Executive Director, Center for Online Learning |
Center for Online Learning | mlabrakeFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4033 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Maria Lynette Lacson
Purchasing & Scheduling Coordinator |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | mlacsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4644 | Culinary Conference Center | 112C |
Theodore Lai
Professor, Mathematics | Advisor, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) |
Jerry Lamb
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice |
Humanities and Social Sciences | jlambFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4263 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703D |
Leslie Lang
Director of Student Accounts |
Student Accounts | llangFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4106 | Building A | 106 |
Manuel Lendorf
Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | mlendorfFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4313 | Building X | 4 |
Clive Li
Assistant Professor, Engineering Science | Contact, Advanced Manufacturing | Coordinator, Assessment |
Christian Liebl
Administrative Support Specialist |
Tutorial Services | clieblFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4187 | ||
Marissa P. Lontoc
Instructor, Table Service |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | mlontocFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4643 | Culinary Conference Center | 204A |
Danielle Lopez
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Accessibility Services |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | dlopezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | |||
Rossella Lopez
Admissions Advisor TFT |
Enrollment Services | rlopezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4134 | Building A | n/a |
Lawrence Louie
Senior Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | llouieFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4315 | Building X | 4 |
Jose Lowe
Educational Opportunity Fund Director |
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) | jloweFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4173 | Building J | 8 |
Azhar Mahmood
Associate Professor, Chemistry | Coordinator, Construction Management and Engineering Science |
Julio Maldonado
Custodial Manager |
Facilities | jmaldonadoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4688 | Student Center | 09F |
Willie Malone
Enrollment Support Assistant |
Enrollment Services | wmaloneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4135 | Building A | n/a |
Raffi Manjikian
Instructor, Chemistry | Vice-Chair, All College Council | Co-chair of PACDEI |
Sharayah Manwah
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | smanwah9908FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Everett Mapp
Coordinator, Instructional Technology and Testing |
Nursing and Health Professions | emappFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4768 | Building F | 129 |
Lori Margolin
Associate Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | lmargolinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4242 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Josh Mariscal
Hudson Scholars Academic Counselor |
Advisement | jmariscalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4179 | Building A | 215 |
Callie Martin
Instructional Designer |
Center for Online Learning | cmartinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4068 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Miranda Martinez
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | mmartinez8357FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Aura Matias
Administrative Support Specialist |
North Hudson Campus | amatiasFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4612 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 702 |
Shaniqua Matos
Financial Aid Assistant |
Financial Aid | smatosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4207 | Building A | n/a |
Patrick Mbong
Safety and Security Associate |
Safety and Security | pmbongFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4093 | Student Center | M02 |
Deseree McFarlane
Communications Coordinator |
Communications | dmcfarlaneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4064 | Building C/D | 222 |
Cecily McKeown
Instructional Technologist / Multimedia Specialist |
Center for Online Learning | cmckeownFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4067 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Craig M. Mclaughlin
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Psychology |
Humanities and Social Sciences | cmclaughlinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4739 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703J |
Lester B. McRae
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Accounting |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | lmcraeFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4646 | Culinary Conference Center | 222C |
Frederick Medina
Customer Service Manager |
Customer Service | fmedinaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4689 | Building C/D | 103 |
Kenneth Melewski
Help Desk Manager |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | kmelewskiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4357 | Building X | 5 |
Sylvia Mendoza
Dean, Financial Aid |
Financial Aid | smendozaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4206 | Building A | 209 |
Linda Joy Miller
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language | Coordinator, ESL Level II (Low Intermediate) |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | lmillerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-7346 | Building J | 305 |
Hiram Miranda
Coordinator, Technology and Finance |
Gateway to Innovation | hmirandaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5470 | Culinary Conference Center | 506 |
Abdallah Mohammad Matari
Professor, Biology | Coordinator, Biology and Chemical Hygiene |
Sharon Moise
Administrative Support Specialist |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | smoiseFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4639 | Culinary Conference Center | 218 |
Mona Mokdessi
Administrative Support Specialist |
Secaucus Center | mmokdessiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4388 | Secaucus Center | G-118 |
Patrick Moore
Professor, Psychology |
Humanities and Social Sciences | pmooreFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4668 | STEM | 306B |
Timothy Moore
Library Associate, Technology |
College Libraries | tdmooreFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4366 | Gabert Library | 110 |
Katherine Morales
Director, Hudson Helps Resource Center |
Hudson Helps Resource Center | kmoralesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5431 | Building A | 311 |
Ana Moran
Financial Aid Advisor |
Financial Aid | amoranFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4210 | Building A | 206 |
Victor Moruzzi
Instructional Designer |
Center for Online Learning | vmoruzziFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4039 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Michael Mory
Accountant |
Controller’s Office | mmoryFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4050 | Building X | n/a |
Milena Moscoso
Library Associate |
College Libraries | mmoscosoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4374 | Gabert Library | n/a |
Alexis Muniz
Coordinator, Evening, Weekend, Offsite |
Academic Affairs | amunizFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4244 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Mark Murray
Maintenance Manager |
Facilities | mmurrayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4099 | Student Center | 09E |
Jihan Nakhla
Assistant Professor, Medical Assisting Program |
Nursing and Health Professions | jnakhlaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4245 | Building F | 205 |
Shelley Naz
PT Instructional Technologist |
Academic Affairs | snazFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4044 | Gabert Library | 612 |
Crystal Newton
Student Services Assistant |
Advisement | cnewtonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4153 | Building A | MOD #10 |
Janine Nunez
Admissions Recruiter |
Enrollment Services | jnunezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4640 | Culinary Conference Center | 222D |
Neivi Nunez
EOF Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | nnunez5216FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Fabiola Occean
Student Success Coach, Academic & Workforce Pathways Program |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | focceanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5448 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Priscilla Ochoa
Coordinator, Systems |
Non-Credit Programs | pochoaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5363 | ||
Amaalah Ogburn
Director of Faculty and Staff Development |
North Hudson Campus | aogburnFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4015 | Building A | N/A |
Eric Okai
EOF Counselor |
James Olivier
Facilities Worker |
Facilities | jolivierFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-344-7897 | Student Center | 04 |
Daniel Ondieki
Instructor, Mathematics |
Victoria Orellana
Registrar |
Registrar | vorellanaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4121 | Building A | 110 |
Daryl Osemwota
Academic Counselor |
Advisement | dosemwotaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4175 | Building A | 217 |
Nouara Oubraham
Library Associate |
College Libraries | noubrahamFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4369 | Gabert Library | n/a |
Lauren O’Gara
Assistant Professor, English | ALP (ENG 073 and ENG 101) |
Academic Foundations | logaraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4254 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703H |
Kevin O’Malley
Professor, Culinary Arts |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | komalleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4641 | Culinary Conference Center | 204C |
Angela Pack
Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education |
Humanities and Social Sciences | apackFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4656 | Gabert Library | 520 |
Tejal Parekh
Assistant Director of EOF |
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) | tparekhFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4181 | Building J | 8 |
Aaron Patel
Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | apatelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4326 | Building X | 4 |
Hital Patel
Financial Aid Advisor |
Financial Aid | hpatelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4204 | Building A | 207 |
Courtney Payne
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | cpayneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4635 | Culinary Conference Center | 204A |
Josianne Payoute
Director of Benefits and Compensation |
Human Resources | jpayouteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4072 | Building A | N/A |
Carmen G. Pelardis
Lecturer, Nursing |
Nursing and Health Professions | cpelardisFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4761 | Building F | 113 |
Juan Peralta
Student Success Assistant |
Financial Aid | jperaltaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4215 | Building A | n/a |
Diana Perez
Academic Lab Manager |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | dperezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4356 | Building A | 308 |
Rosa Perez
Admin Support Specialist EOF |
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) | rperezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4180 | Building J | 8 |
Raffaella Pernice
Professor, Biology | Coordinator, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Studies |
Taramatty Persaud
Office Service Clerk |
Customer Service | tpersaudFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4691 | Building C/D | 103 |
Christine Petersen
Associate Director |
Financial Aid | cpetersenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4213 | Building A | 210 |
Candice Peterson
Administrative Assistant |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | cpetersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | |||
Mary Ellen Piel
Librarian, Technical Services |
College Libraries | mpielFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4355 | Gabert Library | 200 |
Doreen Pontius-Molos
Director, Mental Health Counseling and Wellness |
Mental Health Counseling and Wellness | dpontiusFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5451 | ||
Yeurys Pujols
Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | ypujolsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4628 | ||
Sovi Pujols
Instructor, English |
English | spujolsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4613 | ||
Josué Pérez
Instructor, Philosophy |
Humanities and Social Sciences | > | 201-360-5371 | ||
Mohammad Qasem
Assistant Professor, Physics | Coordinator, Higher Math (MAT-101 and above) |
John Quigley
Executive Director, Safety and Security |
Safety and Security | jquigleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4080 | Student Center | M09 |
Eva Racine
Skills Simulation Lab Coordinator |
Nursing and Health Professions | eracineFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4769 | N/A | 107 |
Mohamed Rafiq Siddiqui
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Computer Science |
Ahmed Rakki
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Mathematics |
Fernelis Ramirez
Accountants Receivable Clerk |
Student Accounts | framirezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4103 | Building A | 104 |
Jennifer Ramirez
Part Time Accountants Receivable Clerk |
Student Accounts | jramirezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4100 | Building A | 104 |
Yvette Ramos
Administrative Support Specialist |
Advisement | yramosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4151 | Building A | MOD #5 |
Ismael Ramos-Penaherrera
Office Service Clerk |
Customer Service | iramos-penaherreraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4690 | Building C/D | 103 |
Qua'fayshia Ransom
Non-Credit ESL Coordinator, Healthcare Programs |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | qransomFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5326 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Christopher Reber
President |
President's Office | creberFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4001 | Building A | 404 |
Saudia Reid
Director of Patron Services |
Maritza Reyes
Associate Director, Center for Adult Transition |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | mreyesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5383 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Gilda Reyes
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Modern Languages, Speech and Communication Studies |
Humanities and Social Sciences | greyesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5345 | ||
Alexa Riano
Senior Executive Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees |
President's Office | arianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4002 | Building A | 405 |
Laurie Riccadonna
Professor | Coordinator, Studio Arts |
Humanities and Social Sciences | lriccadonnaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4678 | Gabert Library | 520 |
Edgardo Rios
Office Service Clerk |
Customer Service | eriosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5324 | Building C/D | 103 |
Madeline Rivera
Executive Administrative Assistant |
External Affairs | mrivera2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4022 | Building A | 406 |
Lisa Rivera
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | lrivera6433FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Paula Roberson
Director, Center for Teaching, Learning and Innovation |
Academic Affairs | probersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4775 | Gabert Library | 26 |
Jeff Roberson Jr
Director Contract & Procurement |
Procurement and Purchasing | jrobersonjrFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4054 | Building X | 8 |
Sonja Rodiger-Radovic
Instructor of ESL |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | srodigerradovicFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4749 | ||
Kathleen Rodriguez
Administrative Assistant, Radiography |
Nursing and Health Professions | krodriguezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4784 | Building F | 220 |
Eunice Roman
Program Assistant - Advanced Manufacturing, Career Advance |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | eromanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5473 | Culinary Conference Center | 506 |
Rodrigo Romea
Coordinator, STEM and Business Tutoring Center |
Academic Affairs | rromeaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4036 | ||
Carrie Rong Xiao
Assistant Professor, Accounting |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | cxiaoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4294 | Culinary Conference Center | 222E |
Joselito Rosal
Nursing Admissions Advisor |
Nursing and Health Professions | jrosalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4798 | F | 118 |
Royal Ross
Admissions Recruiter |
Enrollment Services | rrossFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4139 | Building A | n/a |
Lana Rouse
Senior Systems Analyst (Ellucian) |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | lrouseFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4324 | Building A | 308 |
Harvey Rubinstein
Professor, English and Humanities |
Humanities and Social Sciences | hrubinsteinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4679 | Building I | 207-B |
Elizabeth Ryan
Assistant Director of Advisement, Data and Assessment |
Advisement | eryanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4156 | Building A | MOD #7 |
Hamza Saleem
Admissions Advisor |
Enrollment Services | hsaleem2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4118 | Building A | n/a |
Nancy Saliba
Lecturer, Nursing |
Nursing and Health Professions | nsalibaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4756 | Building F | 13 |
Suzette Samson
Recruitment Specialist |
Nursing and Health Professions | ssamsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4767 | Building F | 115 |
Laura Samuelsen
Assistant Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics | Assessment Coordinator (Humanities and Social Sciences) |
Lotta Sanchez
Library Associate, Technology |
College Libraries | lsanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4367 | Gabert Library | 110 |
Mirta Sanchez
Executive Administrative Assistant |
Advancement | msanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4618 | ||
Stephanie Sanchez
Communications Assistant |
Communications | ssanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4065 | Building C/D | 223 |
Nicole Sanchez
Accountant |
Controller’s Office | nsanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4717 | Building X | n/a |
Diana Sanchez
Career and Transfer Coach |
Career Services | dsanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4221 | Building A | 302 |
Christian Sanchez
Enrollment Support Assistant |
Enrollment Services | csanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4122 | Building A | N/A |
Kayla Sandomenico
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | ksandomenico0120FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Hardik Sanghavi
Data Network Administrator |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | hsanghaviFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4317 | Building A | 308 |
Maria Lita Sarmiento
Alumni Manager, Gateway to Innovation |
Gateway to Innovation | msarmiento2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | Culinary Conference Center | 506 | |
John Scanlon
Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning |
Institutional Research and Planning | jscanlonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4771 | Building C/D | 227 |
Maria Schirta
Assistant Professor, English as a Second Language |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | mschirtaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4616 | Gabert Library | 008 |
Gretchen Schulthes
Associate Dean of Advisement | Hudson Scholars Co-Lead |
Advisement | gschulthesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4168 | Building A | 223 |
Cathie P. Seidman
Professor | Coordinator, Criminal Justice and Homeland Security |
Humanities and Social Sciences | cseidmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4258 | STEM | 605A |
Gunes Senturk
Instructor, Physics |
Stephanie Sergeant
Coordinator, Human Resources |
Human Resources | ssergeantFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4075 | ||
Upasana Sethi-Pagan
Assistant Registrar |
Registrar | usethi-paganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4124 | Building A | 111 |
Ridhdhi Shah
Coordinator, CE |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | rshahFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4647 | Culinary Conference Center | 504 |
Willie Shirer
Senior Audio Visual Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | wshirerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4333 | Building X | 4 |
Andrea Siegel
Coordinator, Foundation Art Collection |
Academic Foundations | asiegelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4007 | ||
Geoffrey Sims
Controller |
Controller’s Office | gsimsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4045 | Building X | 7 |
Jay Singh
Web Developer |
Advancement and Communications | jsinghFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4316 | Building C/D | 232 |
Catherine Sirangelo-Elbadawy
Dean, Nursing and Health Professions |
Nursing and Health Professions | csirangeloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4338 | Building F | 302 |
Richard Skinner
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | rskinnerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4619 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703K |
Denzel Smith
Custodial Supervisor |
Facilities | dsmithFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4726 | Student Center | 010 |
Michael Smith
Librarian |
College Libraries | mgsmithFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4344 | Gabert Library | 209 |
Bernadette G. So
Dean of Student Success |
Center for Academic and Student Success | bsoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4230 | Building A | 220 |
Leslie Soriano
Library Administrative Assistant |
College Libraries | lsorianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4346 | Gabert Library | 214 |
Katherine Sorto
Career Advisor |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | ksortoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5483 | ||
R.M. Stineman
Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs |
Advancement | rmstinemanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4006 | ||
Giovanni Stoduto
Facilities Worker |
Facilities | gstodutoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-320-5167 | Student Center | 04 |
Thomas Stokes
Development Manager |
Advancement | tstokesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4773 | C/D | 217 |
Melanie Suarez
Admissions Advisor |
Enrollment Services | msuarezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4114 | Building A | n/a |
Catherine Sweeting
Professor |
English | csweetingFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5341 | Building J | 105 |
Fatma Tat
Assistant Professor |
Kevin Taylor
Facilities Worker |
Facilities | ktaylorFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-755-8325 | Student Center | 014 |
Sarah Teichman
Librarian | Secretary, All College Council |
College Libraries | steichmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4722 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 303A |
Jeremiah Teipen
Professor | Coordinator, Computer Arts, and Digital Art and Design |
School of Humanities and Social Sciences | jteipenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4674 | Gabert Library | 520 |
Kade Thurman
Instructor, Sociology | Coordinator, Sociology and Anthropology |
School of Humanities and Social Sciences | kthurmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5370 | ||
Sonny Tungala
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | ntungalajr6738FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Angela Tuzzo
Associate Director |
Student Life and Leadership | atuzzoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4197 | ||
Artur Ujazdowski
Instructor, ESL |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | Active+Directory | Active Directory | ||
John Urgola
Director of Institutional Research | Hudson Scholars Co-Lead |
Institutional Research and Planning | jurgolaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4770 | Building C/D | 229 |
Iqra Usmani
Financial Aid Advisor |
Financial Aid | iusmaniFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4201 | Building A | 205 |
Paola Valcarcel
Academic Lab Coordinator |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | pvalcarcelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4341 | Building A | 308 |
Jennifer Valcarcel
Associate Dean of Career & Transfer |
Transfer Pathways | jvalcarcelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4119 | Building A | 105 |
Ernestina Vargas
Library Associate |
College Libraries | evargasFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4721 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 303C |
Lori Vega
Administrative Assistant, Nursing |
Nursing and Health Professions | lvegaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4766 | Building F | 115 |
Albert Velazquez
Support Analyst |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | avelazquezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4328 | Building X | 4 |
Cristal Ventura
Peer Leader (PT) |
Student Life and Leadership | cventuraflores1995FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4195 | N/A | N/A |
Michelle Vera
Instructor of ESL and Bilingual Instructor of Skills for Success |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | meveraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | Building C/D | 112 | |
Mildred Vera-Matich
Pension & Benefits Accountant |
Controller’s Office | mveraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4056 | Building X | n/a |
Michelle Vitale
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Cultural Affairs |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | mvitaleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4176 | ||
Alison Wakefield
Dean of Humanities, Social Sciences, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Academic Foundations English (AFE) |
School of Humanities and Social Sciences | awakefieldFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5364 | Gabert Library | 420 |
Richard Walker
Associate Director of DEI Training |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | rwalkerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4791 | Gabert Library | 520 |
Susannah Wexler
Assistant Professor, English | Coordinator, College Composition I |
English | swexlerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4695 | STEM | 306C |
Michael Whelpley
Associate Director, Open Educational Resources |
Academic Foundations | mwhelpleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4383 | ||
Tess Wiggins
Administrative Assistant |
Nursing and Health Professions | mwigginsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4267 | ||
Tamara Williams
Academic Counselor |
Advisement | twilliamsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4183 | Building A | MOD #2 |
Albert Williams
Apprentice Program Coordinator- Advanced Manufacturing, CareerAdvance |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | alwilliamsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4255 | Culinary Conference Center | 505 |
Irma Williams
Associate Registrar |
Registrar | iwilliamsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4116 | Building A | 112 |
Sharon Wilson-Harriott
Assistant Controller |
Controller’s Office | swilson-harriottFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4051 | Building X | 18 |
David Winner
Assistant Professor, English |
Academic Foundations | dwinnerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4683 | Gabert Library | 520 |
Elana Winslow
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Business |
Business, Culinary, Hospitality | ewinslowFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4235 | Culinary Conference Center | 222C |
Joycelyn Wong-Castellano
Academic Counselor |
Early College Program | jwongcastellanoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-5378 | Building J | 108 |
Saliha Yagoubi
ESL/Bilingual Instructor |
English as a Second Language (ESL) | syagoubiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4622 | North Hudson Campus (NHC) | 703F |
Jing Yang
Director of Library Technology |
College Libraries | jyangFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4723 | Gabert Library | 109 |
Samaya Yashayeva
Assistant Director, Healthcare Programs |
Continuing Education and Workforce Development | syashayevaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4239 | ||
Burl Yearwood
Dean II STEM |
Abihail Yisrael
Career and Transfer Specialist |
Career Services | ayisraelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4234 | Building A | 302 |
Benedetto Youssef
Instructor |
Wajia Zahur
Associate Director, Enrollment Services |
Enrollment Services | wzahurFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4130 | Building A | 107 |
Imane Zehaf
Career and Transfer Specialist |
Career Services | izehafFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4223 | Building A | 302 |
Veronica Zeichner
Vice President for Business and Finance/CFO |
Finance | vzeichnerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE | 201-360-4043 | Building X | 10 |
Name / Title | Program / Office / School | Phone | Building | Office |
The Faculty and Staff Directory currently only lists FULL-TIME Faculty and Staff.
PART-TIME and ADJUNCTS will be added in the future.